• On demand
 Natural Christmas Rose - Poinsettia - 1
 Natural Christmas Rose - Poinsettia - 1  Natural Christmas Rose - Poinsettia - 2

Natural Christmas Rose - Poinsettia

The poinsettia, commonly called the "Christmas Rose" or "Christmas Star" is the plant par excellence that we like to give or receive at the end of the year because it brightens up our interiors with its radiant red.

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6 Roses
1 piece
Delivery as from November 23 to December 20
30 cm
Diameter of 10cm and 8cm high
13.50 €
Tax incl.
On demand

The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 6.

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December 20


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The poinsettia adorns florist stalls during the holiday season, earning it the sweet nickname ‘Christmas Star’. What we desire so much in this spurge are not its flowers but its bracts, which are adorned with magnificent colours for the holidays! The poinsettia is the essential Christmas plant in the United States, Mexico and Europe.

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