Why does the natural Christmas tree have more success in Belgium?
In December, the Christmas tree is really common in Belgian houses. For this unique occasion, Belgians prioritize natural trees. Why is the naturel Christmas tree the bestseller? Sapins.be, your specialist in natural and artificial Christmas trees tells you why!
The authenticity of the natural Christmas tree versus the artificial tree considered as “fake”.
In people’s mind, Christmas equals traditions. Indeed, some people would never think about celebrating Christmas with an artificial Christmas tree. Compared to the artificial tree, the natural one reflects the authenticity of the forest. There is no better feeling than touching a natural tree.
On the other hand, an artificial Christmas tree is too perfect, too regular, which emphasises its fakeness.
A different Christmas tree every year.
Choosing a different Christmas tree every year gives you the opportunity of change and excitement. If you have an artificial tree, once Christmas is over, you put it back in a box and storage the tree in order to reuse it one year later. However, with a natural Christmas tree, the one you purchased in 2017 can be totally different than the one you will choose for 2018. Indeed, it can have a different shape or colour.
The natural tree: recyclable and eco-friendly
Some people think that buying an artificial tree is better for the environment. Well, this is not true. When a natural tree grows (it takes generally 5 to 10 years) it produces oxygen from carbon dioxide. This is commonly called “photosynthesis”. The plantation of trees has therefore an important role because its helps reducing the greenhouse effect.
A natural tree is biodegradable and therefore recyclable. Buying a natural Nordmann Christmas tree, means having a positive impact on the environment. The trees become wood chips or compost and are not harmful for the environment.
The artificial tree is often made of plastic which is a raw material derived from petroleum. In order to produce artificial tree, a lot of energy is necessary. In addition, an important amount of carbon dioxide is realized and has an impact the greenhouse effect. The artificial tree is non-recyclable and will end its life in a container.
Do you want to buy a natural Christmas tree for this Christmas?
Order now your Christmas tree on Sapins.be, we will deliver your tree at your place. Discover our varied Christmas decorations and accessories on our website or contact us for more information. We offer decorative kits with balls and garlands. We also work on demand and create customized decoration.
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